Title: Souls Discovered
Miranda Brock
Teen & Young Adult
Reviewers are saying -
"A tangled web in the battle
of good versus evil, fated responsibility and feelings from the heart as one
girl must rise to the occasion and go beyond the call of duty."
"Exciting and magnetic,
drawing the reader into the action and emotions of the characters."
"The interesting characters
and fast-paced action had me captivated to the end."
"You will love the
characters, you will love the story, you will scream and cry and try to slam on
the brakes as you ride the rollercoaster of this plot."
Spin away
with young Autumn as she finds a seemingly innocuous gold necklace on her
family’s farm and inadvertently uncovers her destiny as “The Keeper.” Autumn’s
discovery of the necklace activates “The Window” and alerts both good and evil
forces to her whereabouts. Autumn is pulled from everything she knows and
tossed into a life of unknowns. Enigmatic enemies called Dehmons hunt her at
every turn and if captured the very world she lives in will fall into
destruction. With the help of seven Searchers Autumn must learn to use the
power she has been given before it is too late.
Will she
choose to follow the dangerous destiny thrust upon her?
Will she
be able to withstand the temptation of a relationship that could jeapordize
importantly, will Autumn be able to find the strength within herself to fight
the dead-eyed evil Dehmon souls?
From an
early age Miranda Brock has always loved fantasy and adventure everything.
Since she doesn't live in a world of enchanting powers, mythical beasts, and
things unbelievable she has decided to write about them. (Although, if you
happen to see a dragon flying around, do tell her.)
Born in
southern Illinois, where she still resides with her husband and two children,
she grew up running through the woods, playing in creeks, and riding horses.
What started out as writing poetry grew into short stories and eventually led
to her first novel, Souls Discovered.
lives in the country where she finds inspiration in the simplicity and beauty
around her. With the help of a ridiculous amount of coffee and some good music
she writes whenever she gets a chance.
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