Title: Meredith, Alone
Author: Claire Alexander
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Release Date: June 9, 2022
She has a full-time remote job and her rescue cat Fred. Her best friend Sadie visits with her two children. There's her online support group, her jigsaw puzzles and favorite recipes, her beloved Emily Dickinson, the internet, the grocery delivery man. Also keeping her company are treacherous memories of an unstable childhood, the estrangement from her sister, and a traumatic event that had sent her reeling.
But something's about to change. Whether Meredith likes it or not, the world is coming to her door. Does she have the courage to overcome what's been keeping her inside all this time?
Meredith, Alone was a moving story!
Meredith Maggs is almost 40, she lives in Glasgow but what is shocking is that she has stayed home for almost 3.5 years!
Meredith works from home, gets her food delivered, exercises by running up and down her stairs and she entertains herself by doing jigsaw puzzles. For company, she talks to her therapist online. Her best friend Sadie stops by frequently, alone or with her kids, and of course, she has her house cat, Fred, who is always there for her.
Meredith didn't use to be this way. She used to work outside and go out to bars but something happened that changed her life.
Meredith didn't have a nice childhood. Her mother was abusive. However, she was very close to her sister Fiona. Yet, in the present Fiona is absent. As the story unfolds we learned what happened between the siblings.
Despite her agoraphobia and self-isolation, new people come into her life. There is Tom McDermott from Holding hands, Celeste from a support group website, and Jacob, a kid next door. These new connections will bring change into Meredith's life.
In a way, this is a story of hope, with interesting and well-developed characters and with a realistic ending that had me rooting for Meredith.
Cliffhanger: No
4/5 Fangs
A complimentary copy was provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.