Below you will find our top books of 2016.
We- MrsLeif, MrsJZBarrons, and MissDaemon - thank you for a year full of awesome books.
We are so excited to see what books 2017 has in store for us!
MrsLeif's Top 10
As the new year begins, we are going through the books we read in 2016.
How did I pick this year's top books for me?
*Book published in 2016.
*Books that I gave a 5 Fangs rating.
*Books I couldn't stop thinking about.
*Only one book per author.
Just a few words to describe them:
Just a few words to describe them:
MissDaemon's Top 10
Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to read every new release in 2016 that I wanted to read. However, I did get to read some amazing books that came out in 2016!
I had a really hard time picking my top 10 favorite books of the year. I felt so bad eliminating some books off of my list, but it (sadly) needed to be done.
The rules for my book picking were that:
*The books had to be published in 2016.
*I had to have rated the books a 5/5 Fangs
In no particular order....

Such an amazing addition to the ACOTAR series. The romance, characters, plot, dialogue, and EVERYTHING in this book was mind-blowingly perfect.
“I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belong to you.”

Adorable, adorable, oh and adorable!
WHAT AN AMAZING END TO THIS AMAZING TRILOGY. This book both killed me and brought me back to life.
An addictive and thrilling YA mystery! This book kept me on the edge of my seat and I could not stop reading it.
Rick Riordan can do no wrong.
Laurent and Damen. Laurent and Damen. LAURENT AND DAMEN.
Ugh. I adored the characters in this book. Girl. Freaking. Power.
Kieran is my husband. It's official. This series WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME.
Mind. Blown.
Since it was so hard for me to pick only ten books, I am cheating and adding another book to my list. *evil laugh*. Think of it as my "honorable mention" ;)
The reason this book didn't make the top 10 was because I gave it a 4.5/5 Fangs review. HOWEVER, I still constantly think about this book and how much I adored it. This book was actually my number 11 top book of the year, so it just missed the cut. With it's swoon worthy romance, lush world building, exquisite writing style, and diverse characters, it had to sneak it's way onto my list. I BROKE THE TOP 10 RULES AND I DON'T EVEN CARE.
Mrs JZBarrons' Top 10 Reads of 2016
Unfortunately I didn't even come close to reading all of the books I wanted to in 2016. I was adding way more books to my TBR than I was reading! There were even a couple of times that I was so torn as to which book to read next that I just didn't pick one because it was just too hard, and I could slap myself now for doing that because it slowed down my progress. Even though I didn't read as many books this year as I have in the previous years I still think my reading year was spectacular! Thank you to all who chatted books with me and read our reviews.
The rules for my book picking were that:
*The books had to be published in 2016
*I had to rate them a 5/5 Fangs
*Only one book per author
*I had to rate them a 5/5 Fangs
*Only one book per author
Drum roll please...
This series is seriously hazardous to my health! I firmly believe that Preppy will be the death of me!
hmm...I did not write a review for this when I read it because I couldn't honestly form words for how utterly magnificent this book is! THIS. BOOK. IS. EVERYTHING!
This series is one of my favorites of all time! That being said, this isn't my favorite book in the series, but I feel like I've already reserved that spot for Feversong.
J. Daniels did something special with this one! I love the characters, I love the premise, I love the writing! And it was damn hot too!
Ooh this book got me! It got me so good. A Love Letter To Whiskey is such a wildly emotional ride that left me speechless.
Well as you all know, Colleen Hoover can do no wrong in my eyes and this book proved that! It Ends With Us is a must read for anyone...who is a living human! Wait, no...even the dead ones.
This series has been an automatic one-click since I first read Six Of Hearts, and now that all of the Cross Boys are getting their stories I am totally stoked! This is a must read series!
For the sake on all that is holy read this book! Valentin and Zoya will capture your heart!
As long as J.R. Ward keeps writing this series, I will keep reading true!
Anything that is Alice In Wonderland inspired pretty much has to be mine, and this book was no different. What I loved about it the most is that it wasn't about Alice at all it was about the Queen of Hearts before she became the queen!