Some universal truths refuse to be ignored.
Peanut butter and jelly are a match made in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs are best friends forever. And guys like Tyler Knight don’t go for girls like Cam Emerson.
She knew from the second she met him that he didn’t belong on her bookshelf, the six-foot-six ex-tight end with a face so all-American, it could have sold apple pie. So she shelved him next to the supermodels and rock stars and took her place on her own shelf — the one with the flannel-clad, pasty-faced comic book nerds. Most of her boyfriends have existed between the pages of books, but rather than worrying over her own lacking love life, she puts all her energy into playing Cupid, using her job at the book bar, Wasted Words, as her stomping ground.
Tyler Knight always looks on the bright side. His career-ending injury turned into a job as a sports agent. A horrible breakup led him to Cam, his quirky, smart roommate who is far more beautiful than she realizes. She’s made it perfectly clear she’s not interested in him — not like that at least — but if she ever changes her mind, he won’t hesitate. Because he doesn’t see the lines she’s drawn between them, as much as she insists that they’re there. Deep down he knows that despite their differences, they’re a match well made.
*A romantic comedy inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma*
If you are the mood for a romantic comedy, then this is the perfect book for you! Wasted Words made me swoon and legitimately laugh out loud so many times. I haven't laughed so much while reading a romance novel in a very long time. The dialogue in this book was hilarious, witty, and still very believable. The writing style was one of my favorite things about this book.
I am always a sucker for a story about a nerdy woman and a "sporty/popular" guy falling in love. So, it doesn't come as a surprise that I loved the romance in this book. I thought the romance was well paced and so precious. Tyler and Cam were absolutely adorable together. I couldn't get enough of them together!
Tyler is honestly perfect, and I am not exaggerating! I felt like Tyler didn't have a single flaw, which was a little irksome, but I still fell in love with him despite that. Tyler was so swoon-worthy! He was patient, kind, and just so adorable. I don't think any woman could help but fall in love with him. Tyler is now one of my top book boyfriends!
I am always a sucker for a story about a nerdy woman and a "sporty/popular" guy falling in love. So, it doesn't come as a surprise that I loved the romance in this book. I thought the romance was well paced and so precious. Tyler and Cam were absolutely adorable together. I couldn't get enough of them together!
Tyler is honestly perfect, and I am not exaggerating! I felt like Tyler didn't have a single flaw, which was a little irksome, but I still fell in love with him despite that. Tyler was so swoon-worthy! He was patient, kind, and just so adorable. I don't think any woman could help but fall in love with him. Tyler is now one of my top book boyfriends!

The main character, Cam, was hilarious. Cam was sassy, dorky, funny, and lovable. I connected to her a lot, and I loved how she was always trying to find a happily ever after for all of her friends. I thought Cam was a great character, but there were times were she really annoyed me. Cam became way too obsessive about playing matchmaker and it made her become really mean and a bit bratty. I became so frustrated with her in those moments! It was also annoying that she constantly doubted herself. I completely understood her insecurities, but she continued to bring up the same issue even after her and Tyler talked about it. However, I was glad that those issues were brought up and addressed before the end of the book.
Overall, this book was such a fun and addictive read. I consumed this book in one sitting and I don't regret it at all! I would recommend this book to all romance lovers!
4 / 5 Fangs
Twitter: @imaquirkybird
Instagram: @quirkybird
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