Rome |
Cora Lewis has had enough of Captain No-Fun. Since Rome came back from his last tour he has been nothing but gloom, doom and broody. She is tired of seeing him upsetting her friends and trying to pick up a fight with them. She takes it upon herself to deal with him and she does it in Cora's style. Spilling beer on him and calling it as she sees it.
Rome Archer is having a hard time finding himself in this new life. He is done with his military life and it seems like nobody needs him to be their hero anymore. He is having some PTSD and he is drinking himself to sleep.
When he gets into trouble, Cora comes to the rescue.
Unbeknownst to them, this will change their lives.
“It’s possible, I mean highly likely, that I think big brother Archer is a total babe.”
Rowdy laughed. “No kidding.”
I elbowed him in the side and rolled my eyes. “It’s also entirely possible that said babeness is hard to resist, and I may or may not have let his sleepover get out of hand.”
Cora has been looking for Mr. Perfect and the new Rome is full of imperfections but together they could be the perfect combination.
“Because I’m freaked out that whatever I say might be the wrong thing. And right now, being with you is the one thing that feels solid and real . . . You’re so full of color, so vibrant you never get lost in all the gray in my head. I don’t want to lose that.”
After reading Rome, I think I'm in love with Cora. What an awesome heroine she is. She is funny, determined, smart, sharp. It is one of my favorite female characters. She didn't push Rome away, or suffer from low self-esteem. She kept the guys in line and and is not scared to do whatever she has to to keep the "family" together.
I liked that Jay made Rome a soldier, dealing with the after shocks of war. He was perfect in Rule but his imperfections in this book made him so much better. Human. In need of someone who understands him and loves him the way he is now. I believe Cora was extraordinary in putting the pieces back together.
“Don’t be scared, Captain No-Fun, we got this.”
I enjoyed their banter too.
“I don’t know, Half-Pint, something tells me reining you in is probably a pretty good time.”
I also enjoy the relationship she has with her dad.
Now, let's talk about the gang. I'm so happy with Rule and Shaw's relationship progression. Is nice to visit this lovable couple and see how their future is coming along.
I love how this "family" sticks together.
“We don’t just write off people that we care about, Cora. You know this.”
I do think that Nash and Asa stole a lot of page time, in a good way. I really want to know what happens to Nash in the next Marked Men book.
My heart is warming towards Asa. I think his HEA may be a certain bartender's daughter but I may just be crazy. I felt bad for him when he was wrongly accused and I think Ayd needs a chill pill.
I don't want this series to ever end. These characters are becoming part of my life and I don't want to see them go.
“You’re trouble.”
“But I’m totally worth it.”
He kissed me again, and I tried not to groan out loud when his tongue brushed across my own.
“Yes you are, Half-Pint. Yes you are.”
5/5 Fangs
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