Monday, July 8, 2013

Second Rate Chances by Holly Stephens

Second Rate Chances
If you had a chance to take back the man that you love, the man that got away, will you do it??

This is what Lil wants to do. She is still madly in love with Sam and Sam was madly in love with her three years ago.  But, now Sam is engaged to someone else.  However, Sam has lost his memory after falling and enduring head trauma. When Sam's fiancee calls Lil and tells her that she is needed at the hospital she can't say no. She sees Sam's father and brother and the last few years played back in her mind.
When Sam wakes up the only thing he remembers is Lil and his last memory is of them buying a house together and celebrating the move three years ago.  He can't understand what happened between them to separate them (a big secret gets revealed) or why he has lost his close friends too. Sam doesn't like his fiancee or where his life is headed.

I feel bad for Lil. She has never forgotten Sam and has not been able to move on. I'm glad she had a good friend with her.  I was rooting for Sam to break the engagement the whole time (which I wouldn't in RL- I have different standards in my books, LOL). I liked it.
3/5 Fangs

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