Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Love Game (The Game #1) by Emma Hart

The Love Game
So what happens when your girlfriends tell you to make the playboy fall in love with you. You have a month to make hunk Braden Carter fall in love with you.
And what happens when your friends bet you, you can make Maddie Stevens fall in love with you in one month.

Fireworks-- that's it!

They both want to make the other fall in love and then leave her/him.

But when Braden and Maddie spend time together, they both learn that they like each other. There is much more than meets the eye.
Maddie thought Braden was like her brother Pearce, who used her best friend and then left her. But, Braden is proving to be very different.
Now, what happens when one of them finds out they have been played? Fireworks-- again!
4/5 Fangs

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